Category Archives: Old Material
Whose Data is it, Anyway?
Lately, there’s been a lot of talk about privacy and the data that various organizations keep on all of us. A friend of mine just got an e-mail that offered (for a small fee) to let him see his credit … Continue reading
What’s an Expert?
I’ve come to realize that the paradigm of the expert programmer has changed dramatically over the past few years. There was a time when the expert in the group was the person who really understood whatever language was being used … Continue reading
We Interrupt Our Regular Broadcasting
This month’s issue is a little different. With the imminent release of Office 2000, there’s a new version of Access just around the corner: Access 2000 (note the use of the four-digit year; otherwise, we would have had “Access Oh-Oh”). … Continue reading
Using the ADO Objects Effectively
Knowing how the ADO objects work isn’t enough. In this article, Russell Sinclair reveals some of the secrets behind using them together. The ADO Connection, Command, and Recordset objects are each designed for one main purpose and fulfill that purpose … Continue reading
Using the ADO Command Object
In this article, Russell Sinclair continues his discussion of ADO by looking at the Command object–and modifying some data, for a change. Last month’s article on client/server development by Mary Chipman and Mike Gunderloy should have made clear how important … Continue reading