Category Archives: User Interface (UI)
Tip: Retrieving Folder Paths from the Registry
I wrote the following set of functions to retrieve standard folder locations from the Windows Registry, without having to cut and paste the complex syntax into every procedure where I need to use the Windows | Office | Templates or … Continue reading
The Form’s the Thing

From your user’s point of view, forms are the heart of your application. Dave looks at what you should be considering when you create your forms and demonstrates a little-used UI design technique. In my mind, one of the key … Continue reading
Six Rules for Effective User Interface Design
In this article, Peter returns to the problem of designing effective user interfaces for Microsoft Access. Peter provides you with six rules that you can use to avoid creating “interfaces that suck.” For the April 1999 issue of Smart Access, … Continue reading
Shortcuts, Quotes, and What Have I Done?
This month, Doug Steele shows one way to add shortcuts to your application, demonstrates how to handle embedded quotes in SQL statements, and provides a quick documenter to list the objects in your application. My applications get installed on users’ … Continue reading
Remote Updates of a Back-End Database

In a perfect world, the database design for your application would never change. In the real world, most applications grow and acquire new tables, new relationships, new fields, and new features. Garry Robinson and Scott McManus show you how they … Continue reading