Category Archives: Other Topics
All in the Family
This month, Doug Steele looks at how to handle tables where multiple types of data are in the same table. I’ll begin by mentioning that this problem came from a daycare that wanted to be able to produce cards that … Continue reading
Access Subquery Techniques

Even some experienced Access developers shy away from writing SQL directly because they only use the Query Designer. That’s a shame, because, unless you’re willing to write SQL, you can’t use subqueries, which are a powerful tool for solving some … Continue reading
Want Machine Information

This month, Doug Steele looks at how to tap into the wealth of information available through Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI), a component of the Microsoft Windows operating system. I have some applications that can run from 30 minutes to 1.5 … Continue reading
Taming the Treeview Control

Treeviews are a common (and powerful) tool for creating Windows User Interfaces. Unfortunately, developing with the Treeview control is neither intuitive, nor easy. Doug Den Hoed provides a module that you can reuse to quickly add rich Treeview functionality to … Continue reading
I’ve Just Got to Get a Message to You

This month, Doug Steele looks at some ways to enhance the common MessageBox. While I want to inform my users about what’s going on, sometimes they forget that they need to click on the MessageBox to make things happen. Is … Continue reading