Category Archives: Access Controls
Dynamic Checklists

Users like to see the big picture, and often that includes items they’ve selected as well as what they haven’t selected. Check boxes are interface widgets that meet these needs, but they can be cumbersome to maintain. Chris Weber shows … Continue reading
Drilling with Combo Boxes

Jeff provides a comprehensive look at how you can use your combo boxes for more than just selecting values. At the end of 1998, there were two articles in Smart Access about using combo boxes in Access to select the … Continue reading
Drag and Drop in Access

Doug Steele shows you how to add drag-and-drop to your Access application using combinations of multi-value and single-value controls. The ability to drag and drop is easy to implement in Visual Basic, but the Access form model is different, so … Continue reading
Custom Sort Orders

Presenting data to your users in an order that makes sense to them is essential. Both Jet and SQL Server support sorting one or more fields in a table alphabetically, numerically, and chronologically. That’s great, but sometimes you need more … Continue reading
Using List Regions with Many-to-Many Relationships

Many-to-many relationships are a fact of life in real-world applications. They are, however, difficult to display in a typical Access form. The answer: list regions. Rebecca Riordan shows you how to implement this powerful tool in Access. You probably know … Continue reading