Category Archives: Editorials
Bad News
I’VE been flying a considerable amount lately and have developed an unhealthy interest in the safety movie that’s shown at the start of every flight. Currently, my favorite part of the show is when the stewardess (and it’s always an … Continue reading
Its probably no secret that I’m suspicious of too much preparation time. While I teach a number of courses for Learning Tree International (including four that I’ve written for the company), they won’t let me teach the system design courses. … Continue reading
And The Good News Is …
IN the rush to build Web applications, Access developers may have felt left behind. While it’s certainly possible to access your data in a Jet or SQLServer database from a Web application, and while there are certainly ways to move … Continue reading
Access Efficiency
Here, Peter Vogel looks at the single most important change that you can make to your applications to make them run faster. It’s also the one mistake that gets made the most often. I would say that most of my … Continue reading
Access Applications
I keep hearing that developers aren’t using Access to create commercial applications anymore. That might be true, but you wouldn’t know it by me. One thing that I keep being asked to do is review Access applications that developers are … Continue reading