Category Archives: Editorials

Let Me Introduce Myself

I’m not entirely on board yet — next issue will bethe first that i’ll be doing more or less on my own. Fortunately, Paul haspromised to stick around and give me the benefit of his experience and wisdom.More importantly, Paul … Continue reading

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Knowledge is Power

I get a kick out of going to conferences. It’s a lotof money out of pocket, and, as a consultant, it’s a whole bunch of days withno cash coming in. But if I’m going to stay current in the information … Continue reading

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I just ran across another example of something that,in the technical writing field, is as common as trash. I was reading a bookthat was obviously aimed at an audience that was unfamiliar with a particulartechnology. The author, however, was using … Continue reading

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Its Time

THERE’S one question that I get asked a lot when I’mworking with Access developers: I call it “The Question.” Back in December, forinstance,I was in England and was invited to drop in and do a presentation atthe London Access User … Continue reading

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It’s Not A Database

I was presenting at theDevConnections conference in New Orleans last week, when one of the attendeesapproached me to discuss a problem. The attendee’s company had created quite alarge application using Access. They were now running into problems because thenumber of … Continue reading

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