I’m not entirely on board yet — next issue will bethe first that i’ll be doing more or less on my own. Fortunately, Paul haspromised to stick around and give me the benefit of his experience and wisdom.More importantly, Paul will continue to contribute to Smart Access, somethinghe didn’t do enough of, for my taste, when he was also the magazine’s editor.
I read my first issue of Smart Access three years ago and, asI read it, I kept saying, “I didn’t know that!” I subscribedimmediately. Several months ago when Paul asked if I’d consider following himas editor I immediately said “Sure!” Fools rush in?
As a contributor, i’ve been associated with Smart Accesssince I started writing articles for computer magazines. Heck, I sold thesecond article I ever wrote to Paul — I was too nervous to try to sell my veryfirst article to Smart Access. I hope that many of you feel that you alreadyknow me through my articles that have appeared in these pages. After all, itwould be a shame to have your newsletter taken over by a complete stranger.
Since that first sale, i’ve written for a number of magazinesand many editors. Overall, though, i’ve published more articles in Smart Accessthan in any other publication. I kept coming back to Smart Access for tworeasons. The first reason was that Smart Access had the best editor I’d workedwith. The second reason was that this newsletter had the most useful content ofany publication that I read.
And those two points pretty much sum up my goals as your neweditor. I want to keep doing what Paul has done so well: giving the Accessdeveloper the best information and the best techniques for using a fabulousproduct. If you’ve never contributed to this publication, I want to give youthe opportunity to share your experiences, knowledge, and techniques with othermembers of this community. And if you’re content to remain a reader, I hopethat you feel as passionate about Smart Access as i’ve felt since I picked upmy first copy. My job as editor is to serve your needs and to make you lookforward every month to the next issue of Smart Access.