Category Archives: Queries

Simplifying Complex SQL

Access developers often find SQL bewildering: While simple things are easy in SQL, as you move up to more complicated problems, SQL statements can quickly become intimidating. Peter Vogel looks at some strategies for solving tough problems with SQL. When … Continue reading

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Query-Based Applications

With the help of a structured naming convention, you can harness the power of Access objects to develop data mining applications quickly and efficiently. I work for a department called Analytical Services. Our department acts as a liaison between Information … Continue reading

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Query Queries

John  tackles some common problems that are faced by Access developers. Drawing on queries that keep cropping up in the Access newsgroups, John clears up some fundamental problems. As I spend time in the Microsoft.Public.Access newsgroups (I like to specialize … Continue reading

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Putting Subqueries to Use

An earlier “Working SQL” column (see “Subqueries to the Rescue” in the Aug-1997 issue) discussed subqueries and suggested that you could use subqueries to replace VBA code and speed up your programs. In a guest “Working SQL” column, Wayne provides … Continue reading

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Numerical Sequence

Creating a numerical sequence for an Access query then appending that to a table (i.e. 1..2..3..4..5..6) in its own column is not as simple as it first seems. Start with a table like this and the requirement is to compute … Continue reading

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