Category Archives: Queries
Computing the Median (Again)

You should never calculate the average value of anything without also calculating the median value. Chris Weber explains why and gives you a clean, step-by-step method for deriving the median value from any numeric series. Unlike other published methods, Chris’ … Continue reading
Complex SQL to Simple SQL
Access developers often find SQL bewildering: While simple things are easy in SQL, as you move up to more complicated problems, SQL statements can quickly become intimidating. Peter Vogel looks at some strategies for solving tough problems with SQL. WHEN … Continue reading
Combining Tables using Union Queries
This month, Peter Vogel looks at reporting from two tables where one table overrides entries in the other table. I have a master table of data that I want to report on. However, I also have a table of daily … Continue reading
Case Study: Researching Data

In this column, Peter takes on a research study database. In addition to showing how you can apply your skill with SQL to solve a problem that might have required several hours of VBA code, Peter also demonstrates some SQL … Continue reading
Auto-Generated Update SQL
Retrieving data isn’t all that you can do with generated SQL statements. Ann Zeigler shows how to create an update-and-append statement on the fly. Ever since reading the Smart Access tip by Alan Biggs (October 1996) on using one query … Continue reading