Renaming a Bunch of Tables
I am working on a conversion database that requires linking to lots of tables in lots of databases with exactly the same tables. I then need to rename the linked tables to remove the Suffix of 1 (that appears on all linked tables that are the same) and give the new linked tables a new prefix . Here is the code to do that
Private Sub cboLive_Click() Dim tbl As DAO.TableDef For Each tbl In CurrentDb.TableDefs If Right$(tbl.Name, 1) = "1" Then tbl.Name = "MyPrefix_" & Left$(tbl.Name, Len(tbl.Name) - 1) End If Next End Sub
Code to strip out the DBO prefix on SQL Server linked tables
and for people doing conversions to SQL Server
Private Sub cmdRenameTables_Click() 'Code to move through the (linked) tables that have been created 'with a SQL server upsize and rename back to their original name 'designed for the DNO owner names Dim tbl As dao.TableDef For Each tbl In CurrentDb.TableDefs If Left$(tbl.Name, 4) = "dbo_" Then tbl.Name = Mid$(tbl.Name, 5) End If Next End Sub