Category Archives: Editorials
The Problems with Success
THE worst thing that can happen to you when you try something new is that you’ll succeed. The problem with success is that it normally goes unexamined. When something that we do actually works, we tend to take that as … Continue reading
The No-Problem Problem
Read also Peters editorial on Faith Most companies tend to suffer from the “noproblem” problem. anagement bumps into a worker in the hallway and asks, “Howare things going?” The answer is always “No problem.” Of course,that’s not the same thing … Continue reading
The Future Of Access
Okay, one last time: Access isn’t going away. I justread another article from another pundit who, having noticed that a version ofSQL Server is going to be included in the enterprise version of Access 2000,proclaimed that this means the end … Continue reading
Staying Alive
LAST month I talked about developing your competitiveadvantage. The goal in developing a competitive advantage is to take youruniquecharacteristics and combine them to make a contribution that no one elsecan make. Strictly speaking, that’s not the only way to gain … Continue reading
Start Programming with Class
MAKE no mistake about it—the addition of class modulesis the most significant developer enhancement in Access 97 (and the rest of theOffice applications). What makes class modules so useful? Several benefits cometo mind. Class modules allow you to create your … Continue reading