Category Archives: Forms
Let Your Users Sort it Out
After getting medieval on the problem, Chris Weber develops a solution that allows users to sort the data in their forms (or subforms) that you can add to your application easily (and spend even less time maintaining). Along the way, … Continue reading
Learning to Share
Sharing data between forms can be awkward in Access. In this article, Peter reviews all the techniques available for performing this task, including making use of Access 95 and 97’s ability to add new properties to a form. By using … Continue reading
Flexible Normalization and Denormalization of Data
Normalizing your data design is an essential part of creating a database that can be easily updated. However Garry Robinson found it necessary to denormalize his data to provide the users with a user interface that met their needs. Every … Continue reading
Explorer Forms with a Single Keystroke
In this action-packed episode, Chris Weber shows you how to use AutoKeys, how to create a sorting form, and how to use AutoKeys to enable you to generate this sorting form with a single keystroke. One of the things that … Continue reading
Control Your Subforms
It really doesn’t make any sense to save an Order without any details. Christopher R. Weber explains how, by enhancing your interface design, you can create an event that stops users from omitting the detail records. Not every data integrity … Continue reading