In 2005, Rick Dobson wrote an article on that included details on Conditional Formats on Access Forms. But whilst the article was great, Rick didn’t show all the code that he had prepared in his sample database. And its what he didn’t show that is of great interest as this information is very hard to find anywhere.
This was compiled by Garry Robinson in 2013
Why Bother
Conditional Formats are very powerful but they are hard to read and just as hard to find. If you decide to apply complex rules, you need to document the equations and crazy color schemes that you have applied to the fields in your forms.
List Conditional Formats
In figure 1 is a button that lists the conditional formats into the Immediate Window. The code follows but when you read the code, the properties Expression1, Expression2 and Type will be of interest.
Code to List Conditional Formats
Private Sub cmdListconditionalformats_Click() Debug.Print vbCr & "ShippedDate" With ShippedDate Debug.Print "Count = " & .FormatConditions.Count Debug.Print vbTab & "Type = " & DecodeType(.FormatConditions(0).Type) Debug.Print vbTab & "Operator = " & DecodeOp(.FormatConditions(0).Operator) Debug.Print vbTab & "Expression1 = " & .FormatConditions(0).Expression1 Debug.Print vbTab & "Expression2 = " & .FormatConditions(0).Expression2 End With Debug.Print vbCr & "RequiredDate" With RequiredDate Debug.Print "Count = " & .FormatConditions.Count Debug.Print vbTab & "Type = " & DecodeType(.FormatConditions(0).Type) Debug.Print vbTab & "Operator = " & DecodeOp(.FormatConditions(0).Operator) Debug.Print vbTab & "Expression1 = " & .FormatConditions(0).Expression1 Debug.Print vbTab & "Expression2 = " & .FormatConditions(0).Expression2 End With Debug.Print vbCr & "OrderDate" Debug.Print "Count = " & OrderDate.FormatConditions.Count Debug.Print vbTab & "Type = " & DecodeType(OrderDate.FormatConditions(0).Type) Debug.Print vbTab & "Operator = " & DecodeOp(OrderDate.FormatConditions(0).Operator) Debug.Print vbTab & "Expression1 = " & OrderDate.FormatConditions(0).Expression1 Debug.Print vbTab & "Expression2 = " & OrderDate.FormatConditions(0).Expression2 Debug.Print vbTab & "Type = " & DecodeType(OrderDate.FormatConditions(1).Type) Debug.Print vbTab & "Operator = " & DecodeOp(OrderDate.FormatConditions(1).Operator) Debug.Print vbTab & "Expression1 = " & OrderDate.FormatConditions(1).Expression1 Debug.Print vbTab & "Expression2 = " & OrderDate.FormatConditions(1).Expression2 Debug.Print vbTab & "Type = " & DecodeType(OrderDate.FormatConditions(2).Type) Debug.Print vbTab & "Operator = " & DecodeOp(OrderDate.FormatConditions(2).Operator) Debug.Print vbTab & "Expression1 = " & OrderDate.FormatConditions(2).Expression1 Debug.Print vbTab & "Expression2 = " & OrderDate.FormatConditions(2).Expression2 Debug.Print vbCr & "OrderID" Debug.Print "Count = " & OrderID.FormatConditions.Count Debug.Print vbTab & "Type = " & DecodeType(OrderID.FormatConditions(0).Type) Debug.Print vbTab & "Operator = " & DecodeOp(OrderID.FormatConditions(0).Operator) Debug.Print vbTab & "Expression1 = " & OrderID.FormatConditions(0).Expression1 Debug.Print vbTab & "Expression2 = " & OrderID.FormatConditions(0).Expression2 End Sub Function DecodeType(TypeProp As Integer) As String ' You heed this are there are 3 different ways to setup a CondtionalFormat Select Case TypeProp Case 0 DecodeType = "acFieldValue" Case 1 DecodeType = "acExpression" Case 2 DecodeType = "acFieldHasFocus" End Select End Function Function DecodeOp(OpProp As Integer) As String ' You need this becuase equations can comprise of = > <> between Select Case OpProp Case 0 DecodeOp = "acBetween" Case 1 DecodeOp = "acNotBetween" Case 2 DecodeOp = "acEqual" Case 3 DecodeOp = "acNotEqual" Case 4 DecodeOp = "acGreaterThan" Case 5 DecodeOp = "acLessThan" Case 6 DecodeOp = "acGreaterThanOrEqual" Case 7 DecodeOp = "acLessThanOrEqual" End Select End Function
Are the Conditional Formats in picture form
By Ben February 9, 2020 - 11:10 pm
I wrote a Sub based on some of this code that will list all the FormatConditions properties in a format that can be pasted directly into VBA. This allows you to discover all of the controls that have conditional formatting and generate the VBA code that can be used to recreate or modify them.